Tilmeldt: man dec 22, 2003 15:37 Indlæg: 10654
Geografisk sted: 9530 Dusty Circle
Ten years ago, the investigative journalist Patrick Radden Keefe heard an implausible-sounding rumor from a friend with a history of being proven right about implausible-sounding rumors. It was about the Scorpions song “Wind of Change,” the ruthlessly uplifting 1990 power ballad that became indelibly associated with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
The song’s origin story was already pretty good — the band’s singer, Klaus Meine, had written it after playing at the 1989 Moscow Peace Festival, alongside bands like Skid Row, Bon Jovi, Ozzy Osbourne, and Mötley Crüe, inspired by the sight of tens of thousands of young fans absolutely losing it to Western heavy metal for the first time. The story Keefe heard was pretty good, too: “Wind of Change” had in fact been written by the CIA to encourage change in the Soviet Union and bring about the end of the Cold War.
Jeg vil gerne lige smide en solid anbefaling efter Wind of Change-podcasten der undersøger det vedvarende rygte om, at det ikke var Scorpions, men CIA der stod bag megahittet Wind of Change, for at fremme kulturrevolutionen i Sovjetunionen efter murens fald.
Det er en solid, gennemresearchet stykke journalistik der kommer godt rundt i krogene i 8 afsnit á cirka 60 minutters varighed.
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Tilmeldt: ons nov 20, 2002 2:01 Indlæg: 12608
Geografisk sted: Metro City
Super podcastserie og kunne måske være interessant at lytte til i disse tider, hvor et vist røvhul er taget på togt et sted, hvor han ikke burde være...