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Indlæg: tirs jan 17, 2012 22:33 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Awesome!! :thumb:

Happy New Year!!! As you know, we generally make it a policy not to comment on gossip or rumors, but we also pride ourselves on being first with 'Tallica news. So, with that said, the more astute of you may have noticed a couple of mentions in trade publications, and most recently in the new issue of Rolling Stone, that a Metallica 3D movie is in the works. We're here to tell you that, yes, there is indeed a 3D project in the very early stages of production! We wish we could tell you more right now, but we don't have all the finer points nailed down just yet. What we can tell you is that we are planning on being in a theatre near you sometime in 2013 and as you hear us say ever so often, this will be the space for all the details as we finalize them.

Welcome to 2012... we're pretty psyched about the year ahead!


Indlæg: ons jan 18, 2012 13:47 

Tilmeldt: man aug 26, 2002 1:01
Indlæg: 2551
Geografisk sted: Vilfort Park & Soldier Field
Er det så en 3D version af Lulu, så man virkelig kan få lov til at se Hetfield som er bord??? ;)

Ej bliver da spændende at se hvad der kommer ud af det.

Da Bears!!

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