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Indlæg: fre mar 16, 2018 17:38 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Bowling for Columbine får release den 19. juni.

In the wake of the Columbine High School massacre in 1999, the intrepid documentarian Michael Moore set out to investigate the long, often volatile love affair between Americans and their firearms, uncovering the pervasive culture of fear that keeps the nation locked and loaded. Equipped with a camera and a microphone, Moore follows the trail of bullets from Littleton, Colorado, and Flint, Michigan, all the way to Kmart’s Michigan headquarters and NRA president Charlton Heston’s Beverly Hills mansion, meeting shooting survivors, militia members, mild-mannered Canadians, and musician Marilyn Manson along the way. An unprecedented popular success that helped usher in a new era in documentary filmmaking, the Oscar-winning Bowling for Columbine is a raucous, impassioned, and still tragically relevant journey through the American psyche.


- New high-definition digital restoration, with 2.0 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray
- Michael Moore Makes a Movie, a new documentary featuring Moore, chief archivist Carl Deal, field producers Jeff Gibbs and Meghan O’Hara, and supervising producer Tia Lessin
- Programs covering Moore’s return to Colorado in 2002, his 2003 Oscar win, and three film-festival Q&As with Moore
- Excerpt from a 2002 episode of The Charlie Rose Show featuring Moore
- Corporate Cops, a segment from Moore’s 2000 television series The Awful Truth II
- Trailer
- PLUS: An essay by critic Eric Hynes


Indlæg: søn maj 13, 2018 20:23 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Criterion udgiver Tree of Life senere på året. Den bliver 50 minutter længere end biografudgaven.

Terrence Malick's award-winning film The Tree of Life will enter the Criterion Collection. According to a new article published by Variety, for some time now the boutique label has been working with director Malick on a longer version of the film, which is expected to be released on Blu-ray later this year.

The new version of the film will be fully redone in 4K and color graded under the supervision of cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki. A new sound mix that includes the additional footage has also been worked on.

Læs mere her: http://variety.com/2018/film/news/terre ... 34/#Review

Indlæg: søn maj 13, 2018 20:40 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
Biografudgaven var min største filmoplevelse dét år. Så jeg følger spændt med :D

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

Indlæg: ons maj 16, 2018 22:03 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Så blev Tree of Life endelig annonceret af Criterion. Den udkommer den 28. august.

Four decades into an already legendary career, Terrence Malick realized his most rapturous vision to date, tracing a story of childhood, wonder, and grief to the outer limits of time and space. Reaching back to the dawn of creation, Malick sets a story of boyhood memories on a universal scale, charting the coming of age of an awestruck child (newcomer Hunter McCracken) in Texas in the 1950s, as he learns to navigate the extremes of nature and grace represented by his bitter, often tyrannical father (Brad Pitt) and his ethereal, nurturing mother (Jessica Chastain, in her breakout role). Shot with nimble attention to life’s most fleeting moments by Emmanuel Lubezki, the Palme d’Or–winning The Tree of Life marks the intimately personal, cosmically ambitious culmination of Malick’s singular approach to filmmaking.


- New 4K digital restoration, supervised and approved by director Terrence Malick and cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezki, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray
- New extended version of the film featuring an additional fifty minutes of footage
- Exploring “The Tree of Life,” a 2011 documentary featuring collaborators and admirers of Malick’s, including filmmakers David Fincher and Christopher Nolan
- New interviews with actor Jessica Chastain and visual-effects supervisor Dan Glass
- Interview from 2011 with composer Alexandre Desplat about the film, and a new interview with music critic Alex Ross about Malick’s approach to music
- Video essay from 2011 by critic Matt Zoller Seitz
- Trailer
- More!
- PLUS: An essay by critic Kent Jones and a 2011 piece on the film by critic Roger Ebert


Indlæg: ons maj 16, 2018 22:10 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
^Lidt sjovt at snakke om en 4K restaurering af en film, der er syv år gammel og bl.a. skudt med IMAX- og 70mm kameraer :D

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

Indlæg: ons maj 16, 2018 22:15 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Jeg tænkte også, at de må have arbejdet på den (eller have den stående på hylden) i mange år, siden meget af ekstra materialet er fra 2011.

Indlæg: tors jun 07, 2018 17:01 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Coveret til Tree of Life var jo tudegrimt. Især når man havde en masse flotte plakater og billeder at vælge imellem. Criterion har taget kritikken til sig og lavet et nyt cover.

Det er gudesmukt! :jawdrop:


Indlæg: fre jun 08, 2018 8:59 

Tilmeldt: man aug 04, 2003 12:54
Indlæg: 20535
Geografisk sted: Frederikshavn
Ærgerligt det kun er Region A.... :(

En del af "De Gnavne Filmnørder" http://dgfn.dk

Hands off the compression button, music industry!
Hands off the DNR button, Blu-Ray producers!
Films are supposed to have grain!


Indlæg: fre jun 08, 2018 10:56 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
Mills skrev:
Ærgerligt det kun er Region A.... :(

Har du ikke fået købt den kodefri afspiller endnu? :)

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

Indlæg: ons jul 18, 2018 12:55 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
Hal Ashby's Shampoo (1975), Cornel Wilde's The Naked Prey (1965), Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Eight Hours Don't Make a Day (1972), Brian De Palma's Sisters (1973), and Rob Reiner's The Princess Bride (1987). Den sidste kunne jeg godt finde på at opgradere :)


Special Features and Technical Specs:
NEW 4K DIGITAL RESTORATION, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
Alternate 5.1 surround soundtrack, presented in DTS-HD Master Audio on the Blu-ray
New conversation between critics Mark Harris and Frank Rich
Excerpt from a 1998 appearance by producer, cowriter, and actor Warren Beatty on The South Bank Show
PLUS: An essay by Rich
Optional English SDH subtitles for the main feature
New cover based on an original poster; photo by Herb Ritts


Special Features and Technical Specs:
NEW 4K DIGITAL RESTORATION APPROVED BY DIRECTOR BRIAN DE PALMA, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
New interview with actor Jennifer Salt
Interviews from 2004 with De Palma, actors William Finley and Charles Durning, and producer Edward R. Pressman
Audio from a 1973 discussion with De Palma at the AFI
Appearance from 1970 by actor Margot Kidder on The Dick Cavett Show
PLUS: An essay by critic Carrie Rickey, excerpts from a 1973 interview with De Palma on the making of the film, and a 1973 article by De Palma on working with composer Bernard Hermann

The Naked Prey

Special Features and Technical Specs:
RESTORED HIGH-DEFINITION DIGITAL TRANSFER, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
Audio commentary from 2007 by film scholar Stephen Prince
"John Colter's Escape," a 1913 written record of the trapper's flight from Blackfoot Indians—which was the inspiration for The Naked Prey—read by actor Paul Giamatti
Original soundtrack cues created by director Cornel Wilde and ethnomusicologist Andrew Tracey, along with a written statement by Tracey on the score
PLUS: An essay by film critic Michael Atkinson and a 1970 interview with Wilde

Eight Hours Don't Make a Day

Special Features and Technical Specs:
NEW 2K DIGITAL RESTORATION by the Rainer Werner Fassbinder Foundation, with uncompressed monaural soundtrack on the Blu-ray
"Eight Hours Don't Make a Day": A Series Becomes a Family Reunion, a 2017 documentary directed by Juliane Maria Lorenz, featuring interviews with actors Hanna Schygulla, Irm Hermann, Wolfgang Schenck, and Hans Hirschmüller
New interview with film scholar Jane Shattuc
New English subtitle translation
PLUS: An essay by scholar Moira Weigel

The Princess Bride

Special Features and Technical Specs:
NEW 4K DIGITAL TRANSFER, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack on the Blu-ray
Audio commentary from 1996 featuring director Rob Reiner, screenwriter William Goldman, producer Andrew Scheinman, and actors Billy Crystal and Peter Falk
Edited 1987 audiobook reading of Goldman's novel The Princess Bride by Reiner
New program about Goldman's screenplay
New program about Goldman's tapestry based on the film
Archival interviews with Reiner, Goldman, and actors Crystal, Cary Elwes, Christopher Guest, Mandy Patinkin, Chris Sarandon, Fred Savage, and Robin Wright
New interview with art director Richard Holland
Programs about makeup, fencing, and fairy tales
On-set video diary filmed and narrated by Elwes
Five behind-the-scenes videos with commentaries from 1996 by Reiner, Scheinman, and Crystal
PLUS: An essay by author Sloane Crosley and, for the Blu-ray edition, Goldman's introduction to his Princess Bride script from the 1995 collection Four Screenplays, in a lavishly illustrated, clothbound book.

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

Indlæg: tors jul 19, 2018 10:51 

Tilmeldt: tirs jan 30, 2001 2:01
Indlæg: 27264
Meget pæn.


Indlæg: man jul 23, 2018 9:19 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
Bæveren har anmeldt den kommende Tree of Life extended

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

Indlæg: ons okt 24, 2018 15:35 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
Januar 2019:
Billede Billede Billede Billede Billede
Alfred Hitchcock's Notorious (1946), Elaine May's Mickey and Nicky (1976), Cristian Mungiu's 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days (2007), Norman Jewison's In the Heat of the Night (1967), and Abbas Kiarostami's 24 Frames (2017).

De første fire har nye 4K restaureringer, mens Kiarostami-filmen er fra en 2K digital master.
Jeg kunne nok overveje at hoppe på In the Heat... og 4 Months... Umiddelbart er jeg ok tilfreds med MGM-udgaven af Notorious, og jeg synes heller ikke, at det er en af Hitch's bedste.

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

Indlæg: søn nov 04, 2018 18:34 

Tilmeldt: fre jul 01, 2005 10:19
Indlæg: 1462
Efter sigende region-fri og lige nu kan den forudbestilles til 150$ på Amazon - stadig ok pris selv når der kommer PostNord gebyr mm.
39 films, including 18 never before released by Criterion
11 Introductions, 6 audio commentaries, and 2 rarely seen documentary shorts by Bergman
Over 5 hours of interviews with Bergman and many of his key collaborators
Extensive programs about Bergman’s work, behind-the-scenes footage, video essays, trailers, and more
Plus: A lavishly illustrated 248-page book

Indlæg: søn nov 04, 2018 22:53 
Site Admin

Tilmeldt: ons dec 31, 2003 13:16
Indlæg: 7968
Hvordan er det nu... kan man ikke forudbetale momd hos Amazon, så man undgår toldgebyret? Prisen pt. virker meget rimelig :thumb:

- Jacob
"I can't make out whether you're bloody bad-mannered, or just half-witted."
Sete film

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